Where it's all typed out.
Saturday, May 2, 2009 :
ive moved to


This blog, will be missed. Thank you for the years of good read.
and thank you, for reading this blog of mine.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009 : all time favourite

Sometimes in life,You run across a love unknown,Without a reason, it seems like you, belong.
This boy is my all time favourite. With you,my world is falling into place perfectly.
8th of April will be a date to remeber.
You mean the world.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009 : Nur Fatin Ajman Sayang Qamarul Arifin
I would give the world to be able to know how much you love me.

Basically today i shall put a stand to everything that's happening lately. Well, alot of people might not know that Nur Fatin Ajman is already attached, cause somehow or rather, guys at work still ask me out eventhough i turn them down like the 44th time. And they still don't get the friggin' clue. So, here i am stating my stand, like a woman. :)

Yes, this very small heart of mine. Fits one only. And here i am publicly announce that i LOVE LOVE LOVE my Boyfriend; Qamarul Arifin loads. To my dearest bf, eventhough i'm not the most beautiful girlfriend you've ever had (maybe i'm the most kicap gf everr) tonight i pledge to try my best to be a good girlfriend. I always tell myself that i will find what i'm looking for someday, and i'm glad that today that "someday" has arrived.

Like i said, loooking at you at the very first time, was looking at something i cant possibly have. Now that we're together there's nothing more i can wish for. I thought i gave up on love, but i became somebody through loving you. Now, somebody hand me a crystal ball, cause i want to know how much Qamarul Arifin loves me. Hhahaha.

Love you.

Monday, April 27, 2009 : confused.
30th of March, someone actually ask me this while i was at work

Her:" Ekh, kaw kenal Qamarul? Aku rase die add aku pat facebook."
Me:"Tak ar.. Tu kawan Si Lizah, aku tak tau die sangat."

Yesteday the same person ask me again.

Her:"ekh kaw ingat tak that day aku ade tanye kaw if kaw kenal Qamarul tak."
me: "Ar..asal ar?"
Her:" Tu kan matair kaw.. Ape bende yang kaw cakap kaw tak kenal die.Kaw okay tak?"


: A sick outing
Okay, i have re-edited this entry, cause apparently, i have received calls and messages that their names were spelt wrongly. HAHAHHA. Sorry ekh Aufa and Mathee :)
Embrace yourself for loads of visuals.

Yestrday was like highlight of the week. Honestly we didn't even plan for yeterday to happen. On Tuesday, Me and Qamarul lunched at Pizzahut Siglap when i saw Hamizah working. So i told her that we should meet up together with Naz. So the initial plan was only me, naz and hamizah to meet up and watch 17 again. Surprisingly the plan didnt work out but it turn up even better then expacted.


Me hani hamizah and naz decide that we should lunch at Pasta Mania and then, Hani had to head back to school and Hamizah had to go parkway. Honestly at this point of time, i think a fairy god mother actually flew past us, that out of the blue, Shu Shan and the bf; Aufa decide to join us. And then we met Nazurah later on, and she actually cancelled her plans to join us and then Hani to join us again after school. Now we're full strength, except for iskandar who usually spend time with us as well. So Naz being the organizer cancelled the idea of watching movie and we spent the night at east coast. :) I must say that was a fucking good impromptu plan everrrrr.

This was when we had to wait for the arrival of ShuShan and Hani. And i was surprised to see Nazurah. Correct me if i'm worng, if i'm not mistaken, she was heading home from work. And Aufa was there as well.

Anyway, before we head for East Coast, we actually had to accompany Hamizah to parkway to get her stuff. So while Hamizah and Shalo was at Popular grabbing their stuff. Naz initiated that we should act like anak2 metropolitan. Hhahaha. Tak leh angkat. The fucking funny thing is that ShuShan was cluless of what anak metroploitan is, so Naz told her this " Aiya, nvermind, you just walk like gangster can already, your name is Ah Chong okay?" HAHAHHA. wtf. So Naz actually sang the anak metro song and do the stupid gangster walk along parkway. HAHAHA. And the matreps at the coffee shop were like staring at us. HAHAHA. Fucking kental and funny sia.Okay, now, we want to pose like those typical mina and mats. Aufa had to be our camera man. We friggin' got alot of attention from passerbys. Hahaha. Budak2 tak betol. hahahha.


Moving onnnn, we then got hungry and decide to settle for satay at East Coast.

HAHAHAA. Ape apela ekh korang ni.

At east coast we were actaully waiting for Qamarul and Mathee (Mizah's bf) to come and join us. But then it started to pour!! So we then had to come up with plan B, which was to tell Qamarul to meet at Tampines instead.HAHAHA. This part damn funny, tell you what happen.
So we flag a cab and got into the cab.Heading towards Tampines ave 7, when Qamarul called me and say.

"U, tell your cab jangan jalan teros dekat ngan Simei where bus 24 jalan, ade tree fall. A very big tree fall. "
I said: Thank you and told everyone in the cab including the driver. But i told them this.
" Ey, takmo jalan tempat simei ade tree fall."

So, we pass by the turn into Simei and the uncle said" ekh..like got nothing like that"

Naz: "Aiya i think inside inside simei got tree fall, nevermind uncle you go staright don't go inside."

And guess what, just as we left the turn and head straight the friggin tree fall was right infront of us!!! HAHAHAHA. The uncle was like AIYAAAAA. Just now nothing la, down here then got tree fall. Tell your friend he give wrong information. HAHAHHA. So we kind of got caught with the tree fall, selamat boleh uturn siak. hahah.

Naz: Touching betol ekh Si Qamarul concern pasal kau, tapi salah information. HAHAHAH.

Shushan, Nazurah and Naz were already preparing to whack that Qamarul. Kesian sey, padahal aku rase aku dengar salah. hahhaa. So of course we told the entire story again when Hani , Hamizah, Aufa and Mathee drop from thier cab. We lepak at one of the tampines hut. hheheh. We laughed and laughed alottt that night. So they interviewed me and Qamarul insde out. Fucking funny. Here are some of the stupid qusetions they ask.

"Fatin? Dalam banyak2 mat yang kau date asal si Qamarul?"
'Izit because of Fish and Chips?!"
me: WTF..

"hahha, okayla, i give you couple a name"- The Fish and Chips couple.
Shushan and Alfa- The food park couple. Cause they like to eat and go to the park.
hahahahah. Go to the park?? hahhaa.

These names were created by the single ladies; Nazurah, Naz and Hani.Thank you anyways.
Mizah and Mathee got the most sporting couple award. Me and ShuShan thinks their answer was scripted. hahhahaa. Abes dorang da setahun nak malu ape! hahahhaa.

I must say, it was a great night. We laughed alot that someone from the block had to actually shout " EY CAN KEEP QUIET ANOT" before we actually call it the day! hahaha.
Fucking fun.

Saturday, April 25, 2009 :

I think my life is always messy.

: extreme humidity level
Right now, i don't even feel like doing anything cause the weather is simply too hotttt! It swear it has been unbearable and i'm like forever sweating even when i just got out of shower. It's a bitch.

Saturday, April 18, 2009 : Battle of Orange and Purple.
First and foremost,
Yesterday was Purple day! Heheh, referring to above picture, I had to actually rake up Rafta's archive to know who is bubbles, buttercup and blossom respectively. Well, i know rafta love's pink so, i suppose she's blossom, i don't really know why im bubbles when i don't love blue. Hahahhaa. Moving onnnn, 18april09 was a clean get together. Purple Versus Orange Day. And what's amazing is, everyone turn up in purple. Hhahaha. Only Darni in Orange. Then he said this "Next time kene reverse physcology, don't wear orange, and everyone will turn up in orange. Hahahaha." Macam faham.



So this mini party was at Labrador, City Beach Resort. I tell you the place is so ulu smpai the cab driver don't even know where. But if privacy is your main concern, this place is purrrfect. So apparently Me and Qamarul took a bus from Tampines to Vivo and then cab from Vivo to the resort. Macam tak sampai2 gitu. Hahahah. So the night went pretty well. The 6 of us, Rohaida, Darni, Rafta, Kahalil, Qamarul and me talk our way throught the night. Hahaha, Darni and Aida were like the comdeians.Hahaha, eventhough they are fucking lovey dovey mushy that night, they never fail to crack us up. On the downside, the wind wasn't on our side though. Panas giler. Played cards. Heart Attack sungguh tak perlu especially me and rafta was laughing and screaming our ass off. After 3rd game, everyone was like sweating, till they finally offered us to be in the room. Thanks ekh.


Me and Rafta decide to pay a visit in the toilet and do our thang'. Hahaha. While the guys had their guy talk outside. Meanwhile, Aida and Darni were cleaning the "house". hehehe. Well, both Darni and Aida thinks that me and rafta look alike. Hhahaha. And i think Qamarul and Khalil kind of look simillar. Hahahaha. Everyone pun macam smillar gitu. Yela, kite semue sepusat sepusing, mak bapak lain lain je.

When i decide to camwhore with Qamarul's cap. Heheheh.



The ladies and the men.
The couples for the night.

It was an amazing night. Hearts you.

The struggles I'm facing
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes might knock me down
But no, im not breaking.
This is an uphill battle.
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
-The climb.

Thursday, April 16, 2009 : andandand
Most of the time, i realised that i have nothing to wear when i open that exploding wardrobe of mine. So many clothes but nothing to wear. Seriously there's something wrong with me and the wardrobe everyday.

I think it's about time that i finally give a good thought on life. Well most of you must have thought/think/thinking that i'm over and done with the ex. Well, i'm very much impress with myself as well. Well, you can say you're partly right. Cause i don't give it a thought, except when i have long bus rides home, whereby i cant help and you have like sudden flashes of memories coming back to you instantly. Other than that, i don't really blame myself for the separation.Im glad my feelings fading for good.

1. Whoever comes are the right people.
2. Whatever happens is the only thing that could have.
3. Whenever it starts is the right time.
4. When it's over, it's over.

I'm going to remind myself this everyday.

I need another night of club.An orgasmic one puhleaseeee.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009 : yet another club.

I swear i pangkah st james on ladies night. Terrible shit. Our 4 hours at st james was pure buang mase. The friggin queue was friggin long. the friggin' club was friggin' pack. We search and search for lockers. No there wasnt any. Abes takkan nak joget ngan bag? Kicap seyyy. After 1 hours plus plus, we found amirool who generously offered to share his locker. So now, we thought we could rock that dancefloor. Guess what, we wasted a good 2 hours of finding a space to dance without getting brushed evry 5 seconds. anddd, no we didnt manage to find a good spot. At the end of 2 hours, we got friggin' thirsty. The friggin' queue at the bar was friggin' long la. And the pathetic thing was that, there was only one bar-tender. Now you tell me, at this point of time, which part darah tak menyirapp.


We only managed to finally settle down at 3am. Somewhere around that timing, i met alot of my working collegues.So we managed to have a good dance for about an hour. But i tell you, by this time the song suck so bad. I swear i wanted to slap the dj to wake-up. Selamat free, kalau kene bayar aku da menyumpah..

But at the end of the day, i was glad to spend another day with Rafta, Shira and my belovedd sister. Here's a shoutout to Rizal and Humairah, Thanks for coming down as well. :)) Love you people loads. I think the best part for that night was cam-whoring.

Rafta: "Eeee..boring nye lagu...jom amek gamba lagik"


You guess it right, whenever the lagu mendak nak mampos, we'll just go snapping away. Hehhee. Till then night world.

Wasted Mistress

i feel loved poured all over me.

Tape that Tune
Sister-Aqilah Aida Hani Hui Fang Kayly Lizah Nurul Shu Stitch Shila Supiah

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